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Joseph Stiglitz : economist and Nobel Prize winner
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270726
Economist and Nobel Prize winner This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding the life and works of Joseph Stiglitz.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Recognize and understand the main ideas behind the contributions of Joseph Stiglitz and his New Keynesian approach - Identify the impact his work had on both economics and politics, and the new concepts and tools that he conceptualized - Understand the limits of his contributions and the criticisms held by other experts in his field, as well as the many extensions and related ideas that have been developed ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Economic Culture 50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. They are the starting point for readers to develop their skills and expertise. -
Criterii SMART : Deveni?i mai de succes prin stabilirea unor obiective mai bune
Steffens Guillaume
- 50minutes.Com
- 20 Janvier 2023
- 9782808602327
În?elege?i esen?a criteriilor SMART (cunoscute ?i sub numele de obiective SMART, ?inte SMART ?i metoda SMARTER) în doar 50 de minute cu aceast? carte practic? ?i concis?. Criteriile SMART sunt un instrument simplu, dar valoros în managementul proiectelor: pot fi utilizate pentru a defini clar obiectivele ?i indicatorii cheie de performan?? (KPI) ?i pentru a încuraja ob?inerea de rezultate concrete. Aceast? carte v? ofer? o introducere util? în cele cinci dimensiuni principale ale criteriilor SMART, ?i anume: specific, m?surabil, atribuibil, realist ?i limitat în timp, precum ?i sfaturi simple despre cum s? le aplica?i în cadrul proiectului dumneavoastr?. Acesta include, de asemenea, o discu?ie am?nun?it? a mai multor studii de caz, o prezentare general? a argumentelor pro ?i contra ale acestei abord?ri ?i o introducere în instrumente conexe, inclusiv modelul DUMB al lui Brendon Burchard.Despre criteriile SMART : Acronimul SMART le permite utilizatorilor acestei abord?ri s? ?in? cont de criteriile esen?iale pentru stabilirea unor obiective precise ?i realiste. Ini?ial, instrumentul a fost utilizat pentru managementul ?i gestionarea produselor, dar datorit? simplit??ii ?i eficien?ei sale, s-a extins în scurt timp ?i în domenii precum resursele umane ?i dezvoltarea personal?. Este un concept foarte versatil, care poate fi folosit atât în stabilirea obiectivelor personale, cât ?i în planificarea proiectelor de grup. În aceast? carte, ve?i descoperi cum criteriile SMART v? pot ajuta s? stabili?i ?i s? atinge?i obiective concrete, s? în?elege?i rolul pe care obiectivele adecvate îl joac? în evaluarea performan?elor ?i s? planifica?i eficient noi proiecte ?i sarcini. O explica?ie clar? a avantajelor ?i a posibilelor dezavantaje ale metodei, o discu?ie a studiilor de caz practice ?i o introducere concis? în modelele conexe v? ofer? instrumentele de care ave?i nevoie pentru a v? adapta abordarea la situa?ia dumneavoastr?.
The smart criteria : the smart way to set objectives
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270665
The SMART way to set objectives This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing the SMART criteria, providing you with the essential information and saving time.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Understand the 5 criteria that make up the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bound) - Follow the steps and ask the right questions in order to always set objectives that are achievable - Apply the model in many different areas, including project management, marketing and personal development.
ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Management & Marketing 50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. In fact, they are the starting point to take action and push your business to the next level. -
Ponzi scheme : avoid scam investments
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270696
Avoid scam investments This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding Ponzi schemes, providing you with the essential information and saving time.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Learn about the inspiration behind the scheme, Charles Ponzi, and how he fraudulently pocketed profits on postage stamps while deceiving his investors - Follow our advice on how to avoid Ponzi schemes and make the right investment - Understand why the Ponzi scheme has appeared in all parts of the world right up to today by looking at some more recent examples ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Management & Marketing 50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. In fact, they are the starting point to take action and push your business to the next level. -
Mundell-Fleming model : achieving macroeconomic equilibrium
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270610
Achieving macroeconomic equilibrium This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding the Mundell-Fleming model, providing you with the essential information and saving time.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Learn about the IS-LM model that the Mundell-Fleming is based on and how each of the three curves of the model graph are formed, as well as how to interpret them - Analyze different exchange rate regimes and the effect they have on production, income and interest rates - Understand the effectiveness of budgetary, fiscal and monetary policies and how they interact with exchange rates ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Economic Culture 50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. They are the starting point for readers to develop their skills and expertise. -
United nations development programme : leading the way to development
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270719
Leading the way to development This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding the role and mission of the United Nations Development Programme, providing you with the essential information and saving time.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Understand the foundations of the organization and why it was created in 1965 - Identify the global missions initially set by the organization, its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the future challenges it faces - Learn about the role of the UNDP in a number of development activities and the impact it has had since its creation ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Economic Culture 50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today.Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. They are the starting point for readers to develop their skills and expertise. -
Book Review: Globalization and Its Discontents by Joseph Stiglitz : The dark side of globalization
- 50minutes.Com
- 8 Avril 2019
- 9782808019149
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.
Globalization and Its Discontents by Joseph Stiglitz offers an insider's view of the role played by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in the economic crises of the 1990s. Stiglitz argues that the so-called Washington Consensus, a set of economic principles typically applied to nations facing crisis, were imposed on numerous developing countries with little regard for local conditions. Contrary to the expectations of most policymakers, this approach actually exacerbated crises, meaning that globalization ended up hurting the nations it was supposed to help. In the book, Stiglitz lays out a set of recommendations to harness the immense potential of globalization so that it can benefit everyone, not just a small coterie of financial elites.
This book review and analysis is perfect for:
- Students of economics and international development ;
- Anyone who wants to understand the inner workings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank ;
- Anyone with an interest in the true causes of recent global economic crises ;
The Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts.
Successful Storytelling for Business : How to grab attention and communicate effectively with any audience
- 50minutes.Com
- 16 Mars 2017
- 9782806284020
Ready to take your career to the next level? Find out everything you need to know about effective storytelling with this practical guide.
Storytelling is a skill that can dramatically improve both your personal and professional life. In contexts ranging from job searching to marketing, storytelling is the most effective way to portray your message and win people over. By following the information provided in this summary, you too will be able to construct a spellbinding narrative that will have everybody eating from the palm of your hand.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
-Identify the benefits of using storytelling as a communication technique in your personal and professional life -Discover the key to constructing stories that call upon emotions and resonate with your audience, making them want to listen to your message and pass it on -Analyse your surroundings, experiences and thoughts to find the right inspiration for your storytelling ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | COACHING The Coaching series from the 50 Minutes collection is aimed at all those who, in times of transition or otherwise, want to acquire new skills, respond to unfamiliar situations or simply re-evaluate their work-life balance. Using a simple and effective style, our publications combine theory, constructive insights, concrete examples and practical exercises to enable everyone to move forward on the path to professional growth. -
Book Review: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John M. Keynes : A turning point in economic history
- 50minutes.Com
- 4 Janvier 2018
- 9782808007115
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes was first published in 1936, and had a lasting impact on both economic theory and state economic policies. Keynes's primary aim was to challenge certain aspects of classical economics which were accepted as fact at the time, namely Say's law, which states that supply will create its own demand, and the assumption that free markets automatically tend towards full employment. Keynes introduced several revolutionary concepts in this book, including effective demand, the propensity to consume, the investment multiplier and the liquidity-preference, to support his arguments in favour of greater state interventionism as a response to financial crises.
This book review and analysis is perfect for:
-Anyone interested in the history of economic theory, particularly macroeconomics -Anyone who wants to understand the aims of state intervention in the financial market -Students of, or anyone interested in, modern politics and economics About 50MINUTES.COM| BOOK REVIEW The Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts. -
Book Review: Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty
- 50minutes.Com
- 16 Mars 2017
- 9782806290397
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.Thomas Piketty's 2013 book Capital in the Twenty-First Century was an immediately bestseller in the UK and US, and has been widely praised by both economists and the general public. Piketty provides a richly detailed account of the development of inequality in the Western world, and argues that economic inequality is an inherent feature of capitalism and can only be resolved by decisive action from governments. His powerful historical insights are backed by extensive data and analysis, thus offering a thorough critique of the modern capitalist system. Whatever your political and economic leanings, Piketty's ideas are sure to provide plenty of food for thought.This book review and analysis is perfect for:-Anyone interested in the causes of wealth inequality in Europe and the USA-Anyone who wants to understand how this inequality can be overcome-Students of, or anyone interested in, modern politics and economicsAbout 50MINUTES.COM | BOOK REVIEWThe Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts.
Book review : The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith (A foundational work in classical economics)
- 50minutes.Com
- 4 Avril 2019
- 9782808017671
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.The Wealth of Nations is one of the most significant works in economics history, and is a foundational text of classical economics. Written at a time when the Industrial Revolution was changing the face of Western societies, the book seeks to explain why some countries are wealthier than others and how a fair, productive society can be created. In particular, Smith's advocacy of division of labour, free trade and free markets, with equilibrium guaranteed by the so-called invisible hand of the market, proved extremely influential in the UK and USA and shaped our modern economic system. The work is still widely studied today, and remains one of the most cited texts in the social sciences.This book review and analysis is perfect for:-Students of economic theory and the history of economics-Anyone who wants to gain a greater understanding of classical economics-Anyone who is curious about why some countries are wealthier than othersAbout 50MINUTES.COM | BOOK REVIEWThe Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts.
Capital Asset Pricing Model : Modelo de preços de capital
De Saeger Ariane
- 50minutes.Com
- 20 Janvier 2023
- 9782808066013
Compreender o essencial do modelo de fixação de preços de bens de capital (também conhecido como CAPM) em apenas 50 minutos com este livro pratico e conciso. O modelo de precificação de bens de capital é um método matematico que é utilizado para estimar a rentabilidade de qualquer activo financeiro. O CAPM é um dos métodos mais populares de avaliação de risco e visa dar aos investidores o maximo de informação possivel sobre potenciais investimentos, permitindo-lhes criar a sua carteira de investimentos a partir de uma combinação de activos arriscados e seguros, como entenderem. Este livro ira fornecer-lhe uma introdução útil ao CAPM e como utiliza-lo para fazer melhores investimentos. Para além de aprender como obter os maiores retornos dos seus investimentos, ira considerar estudos de casos da vida real, descobrir sobre as deficiências da ferramenta, incluindo o limite da diversificação da carteira, e aprender sobre modelos relacionados, tais como a teoria de preços de arbitragem e o modelo multifactor. Sobre o modelo de precificação de bens de capital : O CAPM foi desenvolvido numa altura em que os mercados financeiros estavam a começar a melhorar e a normalizar. Permite aos investidores tomar decisões de investimento informadas e ponderar o risco de um produto com os seus potenciais retornos. Por outras palavras, ajuda os investidores a desperdiçar o minimo de dinheiro possivel e a fazer escolhas comerciais racionais. Outra vantagem do modelo é que lhe da a taxa de desconto apropriada para calcular a receita futura de um negócio. Além disso, embora possa ser menos preciso do que outros métodos, tais como a teoria de preços de arbitragem, é mais simples de utilizar. Neste livro, descobrira como o CAPM o pode ajudar, aprendera a avaliar um activo financeiro, e a utilizar os seus resultados para fazer melhores investimentos. Uma explicação clara dos beneficios e potenciais inconvenientes do método, uma discussão de um estudo de caso pratico, e uma introdução a modelos relacionados dar-lhe-ão as ferramentas de que necessita para adaptar a sua abordagem à sua situação.
O modelo Mundell-Fleming : Um modelo crucial para compreender a economia internacional
Jean Blaise nimbang
- 50minutes.Com
- 23 Février 2023
- 9782808669788
Compreender o essencial do modelo Mundell-Fleming (também conhecido como o modelo IS-LM-BoP ou o modelo IS-LM-BP) em apenas 50 minutos com este livro pratico e conciso. O modelo Mundell-Fleming é crucial para a compreensão da macroeconomia internacional: fornece o quadro geral da politica económica na zona euro e permite-nos analisar o papel da mobilidade internacional do capital na eficacia da politica macroeconómica sob diferentes regimes cambiais. Este livro fornece uma introdução útil às aplicações do modelo Mundell-Fleming e aos pressupostos subjacentes, incluindo o facto de o modelo ser valido para uma economia fechada. Inclui também um exame detalhado do papel do modelo Mundell-Fleming na construção monetaria europeia, uma discussão das limitações da teoria, e uma introdução a extensões, como a inclusão do factor de risco de um pais no modelo.
Milton Friedman : Nobelprijswinnaar econoom en voorstander van de vrije markt
Ariane De Saeger
- 50minutes.Com
- 10 Mars 2023
- 9782808606608
Leer in slechts 50 minuten de ideeën van Milton Friedman kennen met dit praktische en beknopte boek. Friedman was een Nobelprijswinnend econoom die veel van de belangrijkste economische periodes in de VS heeft meegemaakt: hij was getuige van de roaring twenties, de Wall Street Crash en de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Zijn werk bestrijkt meerdere domeinen van de economie, waaronder met name consumptieanalyse, monetaire geschiedenis en theorie, en economisch denken. Dit boek geeft u een handige inleiding tot Friedmans belangrijkste bijdragen aan de economie, waaronder de micro-economie en het concurrentiemodel. U komt ook meer te weten over de reacties, zowel positief als negatief, op zijn werk en de invloed die zijn ideeën hebben gehad op het economisch liberalisme.
Milton Friedman : Economista e defensor do mercado livre ganhador do Prémio Nobel
De Saeger Ariane
- 50minutes.Com
- 10 Mars 2023
- 9782808670074
Aprenda sobre as ideias de Milton Friedman em apenas 50 minutos com este livro pratico e conciso. Friedman foi um economista galardoado com o Prémio Nobel que viveu muitos dos periodos económicos mais importantes dos EUA: testemunhou os loucos anos vinte, o crash de Wall Street e a Segunda Guerra Mundial. O seu trabalho cobre varias areas da economia, incluindo em particular a analise do consumo, a história e teoria monetaria, e o pensamento económico. Este livro da-lhe uma introdução útil às principais contribuições de Friedman para a economia, incluindo a microeconomia e o modelo de competição. Aprendera também sobre as reacções, tanto positivas como negativas, ao seu trabalho e a influência que as suas ideias tiveram no liberalismo económico.
Milton Friedman : Economista vincitore del premio Nobel e sostenitore del libero mercato
Ariane De Saeger
- 50minutes.Com
- 10 Mars 2023
- 9782808660860
Imparate a conoscere le idee di Milton Friedman in soli 50 minuti con questo libro pratico e conciso. Friedman è stato un economista vincitore del premio Nobel che ha vissuto molti dei periodi economici più importanti degli Stati Uniti: è stato testimone dei ruggenti anni Venti, del crollo di Wall Street e della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Il suo lavoro copre diverse aree dell'economia, tra cui in particolare l'analisi dei consumi, la storia e la teoria monetaria e il pensiero economico. Questo libro offre una pratica introduzione ai principali contributi di Friedman all'economia, tra cui la microeconomia e il modello della concorrenza. Si potranno anche conoscere le reazioni, sia positive che negative, al suo lavoro e l'influenza che le sue idee hanno avuto sul liberalismo economico.
Modelul Mundell-Fleming : Un model esen?ial pentru în?elegerea economiei interna?ionale
Jean Blaise nimbang
- 50minutes.Com
- 10 Mars 2023
- 9782808674201
În?elege?i elementele esen?iale ale modelului Mundell-Fleming (cunoscut ?i sub numele de modelul IS-LM-BoP sau modelul IS-LM-BP) în doar 50 de minute cu aceast? carte practic? ?i concis?. Modelul Mundell-Fleming este esen?ial pentru în?elegerea macroeconomiei interna?ionale: acesta ofer? cadrul general pentru politica economic? în cadrul zonei euro ?i ne permite s? analiz?m rolul mobilit??ii interna?ionale a capitalului în eficacitatea politicii macroeconomice în cadrul diferitelor regimuri de curs de schimb. Aceast? carte ofer? o introducere util? în aplica?iile modelului Mundell-Fleming ?i în ipotezele care stau la baza acestuia, inclusiv faptul c? modelul este valabil pentru o economie închis?. De asemenea, include o examinare detaliat? a rolului modelului Mundell-Fleming în construc?ia monetar? european?, o discu?ie a limit?rilor teoriei ?i o introducere a extinderilor, cum ar fi includerea în model a factorului de risc al unei ??ri.
Milton Friedman : Nobel odüllü ekonomist ve serbest piyasa savunucusu
De Saeger Ariane
- 50minutes.Com
- 30 Mars 2023
- 9782808673495
Bu pratik ve ozlü kitapla Milton Friedman'?n fikirlerini sadece 50 dakikada o?renin. Friedman, ABD'nin en onemli ekonomik donemlerinin ço?unda ya?am?? Nobel odüllü bir ekonomistti: Kükreyen Yirmiler, Wall Street Çokü?ü ve ?kinci Dünya Sava??'na tan?kl?k etti. Çal??malar?, ozellikle tüketim analizi, para tarihi ve teorisi ve ekonomik dü?ünce dahil olmak üzere ekonominin çe?itli alanlar?n? kapsamaktad?r. Bu kitap size Friedman'?n mikroekonomi ve rekabet modeli de dahil olmak üzere ekonomiye yapt??? ba?l?ca katk?lara kullan??l? bir giri? sunuyor. Ayr?ca, çal??malar?na yonelik olumlu ve olumsuz tepkileri ve fikirlerinin ekonomik liberalizm üzerindeki etkisini de o?reneceksiniz.
Milton Friedman : Economist laureat al Premiului Nobel ?i sus?in?tor al pie?ei libere
De Saeger Ariane
- 50minutes.Com
- 30 Mars 2023
- 9782808674492
Înv??a?i despre ideile lui Milton Friedman în doar 50 de minute cu aceast? carte practic? ?i concis?. Friedman a fost un economist laureat al Premiului Nobel care a tr?it multe dintre cele mai importante perioade economice din SUA: a fost martor al anilor '20, al pr?bu?irii Wall Street ?i al celui de-al Doilea R?zboi Mondial. Lucr?rile sale acoper? mai multe domenii ale economiei, incluzând în special analiza consumului, istoria ?i teoria monetar? ?i gândirea economic?. Aceast? carte v? ofer? o introducere la îndemân? în principalele contribu?ii ale lui Friedman la economie, inclusiv microeconomia ?i modelul concuren?ei. Ve?i afla, de asemenea, despre reac?iile, atât pozitive, cât ?i negative, la opera sa ?i despre influen?a pe care ideile sale au avut-o asupra liberalismului economic.
Milton Friedman : Laureat Nagrody Nobla, ekonomista i zwolennik wolnego rynku
Ariane De Saeger
- 50minutes.Com
- 30 Mars 2023
- 9782808671286
Poznaj idee Miltona Friedmana w zaledwie 50 minut dzi?ki tej praktycznej i zwi?z?ej ksi??ce. Friedman by? ekonomist? nagrodzonym Noblem, który prze?y? wiele najwa?niejszych okresów gospodarczych w USA: by? ?wiadkiem rycz?cych lat dwudziestych, krachu na Wall Street i II wojny ?wiatowej. Jego prace obejmuj? kilka obszarów ekonomii, w tym w szczególno?ci analiz? konsumpcji, histori? i teori? pieni?dza oraz my?l ekonomiczn?. Ksi??ka ta stanowi por?czne wprowadzenie do najwa?niejszych wk?adów Friedmana do ekonomii, w tym mikroekonomii i modelu konkurencji. Poznasz tak?e reakcje, zarówno pozytywne, jak i negatywne, na jego prac? oraz wp?yw, jaki jego idee wywar?y na liberalizm gospodarczy.
Il modello di business freemium : Attirare più clienti e incrementare le vendite
Mouna Guidiri
- 50minutes.Com
- 7 Avril 2023
- 9782808661164
Comprendete l'essenza del modello freemium in soli 50 minuti con questo libro pratico e conciso. Il modello freemium riflette il detto popolare secondo cui non esiste un pranzo gratis: in altre parole, nel mondo moderno nulla è gratis. Questo modello di business consiglia alle aziende di offrire una combinazione di prodotti gratuiti e premium, attirando i clienti con la prospettiva di un prodotto gratuito e invogliandoli ad acquistare la versione a pagamento. Questo libro fornisce un'utile introduzione al concetto di omaggi nel mondo degli affari e alle diverse forme che le offerte gratuite possono assumere. Non solo imparerete come applicare efficacemente il modello freemium nell'era digitale, ma esaminerete anche esempi reali, scoprirete i suoi difetti, tra cui il pericolo degli scrocconi, e imparerete a conoscere modelli correlati, come il freeware e il finanziamento dalla pubblicità.
Vantaggi comparativi : Perché la specializzazione è la chiave del successo
Jean Blaise nimbang
- 50minutes.Com
- 7 Avril 2023
- 9782808661188
Comprendete l'essenza della teoria del vantaggio comparativo (nota anche come legge del vantaggio comparativo o legge del vantaggio comparativo) in soli 50 minuti con questo libro pratico e conciso. Sviluppata dal famoso economista David Ricardo, questa teoria illustra che la specializzazione e il commercio vanno a vantaggio di entrambe le parti dello scambio e generano ricchezza. Egli sostiene che il vantaggio comparativo è più importante del vantaggio assoluto, come teorizzato da Adam Smith, il che ci aiuta a capire come il commercio tra Paesi possa essere reciprocamente vantaggioso. Questo libro offre una pratica introduzione alle applicazioni della teoria comparativa nel commercio internazionale, nell'outsourcing e nella divisione del lavoro. Include inoltre diversi esempi pratici, una discussione sulle carenze della teoria e un'introduzione a concetti correlati, come la teoria della crescita immiserente, la teoria del protezionismo per le imprese emergenti e la teoria dello scambio ineguale.
Vantagens comparativas : Porque é que a especialização é a chave para o sucesso
Jean Blaise nimbang
- 50minutes.Com
- 7 Avril 2023
- 9782808670395
Compreender a essência da teoria da vantagem comparativa (também conhecida como a lei da vantagem comparativa ou a lei da vantagem comparativa) em apenas 50 minutos com este livro pratico e conciso. Desenvolvida pelo reconhecido economista David Ricardo, esta teoria ilustra que a especialização e o comércio beneficiam ambos os lados da troca e geram riqueza. Ele argumenta que a vantagem comparativa é mais importante do que a vantagem absoluta, tal como teorizado por Adam Smith, o que nos ajuda a compreender como o comércio entre paises pode ser mutuamente benéfico. Este livro da-lhe uma introdução útil às aplicações da teoria comparativa no comércio internacional, externalização e divisão do trabalho. Inclui também varios exemplos praticos, uma discussão das deficiências da teoria, e uma introdução a conceitos relacionados, tais como a teoria da immiserização do crescimento, a teoria do proteccionismo para as empresas emergentes e a teoria da troca desigual.
Model biznesowy freemium : Przyci?gnij wi?cej klientów i zwi?ksz swoj? sprzeda?
Mouna Guidiri
- 50minutes.Com
- 7 Avril 2023
- 9782808671583
Zrozum istot? modelu freemium w zaledwie 50 minut dzi?ki tej praktycznej i zwi?z?ej ksi??ce. Model freemium odzwierciedla popularne powiedzenie, ?e nie ma czego? takiego jak darmowy lunch: innymi s?owy, we wspó?czesnym ?wiecie nic nie jest za darmo. Ten model biznesowy doradza firmom, aby oferowa?y kombinacj? produktów darmowych i premium, przyci?gaj?c klientów perspektyw? darmowego produktu i kusz?c ich do zakupu wersji p?atnej. Ksi??ka ta stanowi por?czne wprowadzenie do koncepcji freebies w biznesie i ró?nych form, jakie mog? przybra? darmowe oferty. Nie tylko dowiesz si?, jak skutecznie zastosowa? model freemium w erze cyfrowej, ale tak?e przeanalizujesz rzeczywiste przyk?ady, odkryjesz jego wady, w tym niebezpiecze?stwo freeloaderów, i poznasz modele pokrewne, takie jak freeware i finansowanie z reklam.